Monday, 20 February 2012

My Monday Mini Goals...

I went of to today to my appointment.  It is at 11 0 clock. I get a lift into town with Mr No Spend at 8.30 ggrrhhh!.  The post office was not going to open untill 9 o clock. I walked about & sat on a bench & ate my blueberries!. I got into the post office que & there was an older man he looked really unkempt & he was very pungent.  I felt sorry for him. He looked like he really needed looking after. He looked like he really needed a good clean, a good wash & a good meal.  I found it hard to just go on & go about my bits & peices. If someone was sitting down somewhere looking cold. I would probably go & buy them a hot drink & a hot pie. This man needed a lot more thaIn that.  Sometimes it makes me feel a bit helpless & sometimes it makes me sad that someone can walk about like that who obviously needs attention & tlc. I guess its the world we live in people go overlooked. Slip through the net.  He needed someone looking out for him. He needed more than what I could give.
My appointment went well.  We talk about lots. I guess it is a place where I can just say how I feel.
I got a call in the morning could I do some Ironing with a fast turnaround  the same day. Which I said yes!.  So I got a bit extra for doing that. This Ironing suits me just fine!. Its amazing when you get paid for it how much more you enjoy it!?. I always make sure I am avaliable & do it as best as I can.
My Goals This Week 
  • Keep my spending written down
  • Sort table top sale bits & peices out.
  • Watch my portion size!   


  1. You have such a lovely heart,your blessings come along in different ways because of this,the ironing etc,just the other day you mentioned you would like to do some more,and Bingo! it arrives.You are doing so well I can see a great future for you and your family,it is all time..blessings from me and a virtual cup of tea.xx

  2. So pleased that your appointment went well. I've been thinking of you. x

  3. I know what you mean when you talked about the man in the postoffice. Sad how life turns out for some people and they just seem to slip through the net. So pleased your appointment went well and it's helping you. Hope the work keeps coming. Have a lovely day x

  4. Oh I'm glad I checked! My comment has disappeared! I am pleased your appointment went well.

    Big Hugs

    Sft x

  5. Hey you. Hope you're okay :)

  6. Hi hun,

    Been missing your posts.

    Hope all is ok.

    x x

  7. Hi I nominated you for an award on my blog!



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