Monday, 20 February 2012

My Monday Mini Goals...

I went of to today to my appointment.  It is at 11 0 clock. I get a lift into town with Mr No Spend at 8.30 ggrrhhh!.  The post office was not going to open untill 9 o clock. I walked about & sat on a bench & ate my blueberries!. I got into the post office que & there was an older man he looked really unkempt & he was very pungent.  I felt sorry for him. He looked like he really needed looking after. He looked like he really needed a good clean, a good wash & a good meal.  I found it hard to just go on & go about my bits & peices. If someone was sitting down somewhere looking cold. I would probably go & buy them a hot drink & a hot pie. This man needed a lot more thaIn that.  Sometimes it makes me feel a bit helpless & sometimes it makes me sad that someone can walk about like that who obviously needs attention & tlc. I guess its the world we live in people go overlooked. Slip through the net.  He needed someone looking out for him. He needed more than what I could give.
My appointment went well.  We talk about lots. I guess it is a place where I can just say how I feel.
I got a call in the morning could I do some Ironing with a fast turnaround  the same day. Which I said yes!.  So I got a bit extra for doing that. This Ironing suits me just fine!. Its amazing when you get paid for it how much more you enjoy it!?. I always make sure I am avaliable & do it as best as I can.
My Goals This Week 
  • Keep my spending written down
  • Sort table top sale bits & peices out.
  • Watch my portion size!   

Friday, 17 February 2012

Slack Blogger

I have been a slack blogger lately.  This cold snap of weather has made my healthy eating go a bit awol. No weight loss!.  I am managing to do my pilates dvd a couple of times a week. I can certainly feel it. Its amazing after not exercising how much I ache the day after. 
I have managed to put £200.00 into the emergency fund so far for this year.  That was made up of £160.00 for januarys & Februarys garage rental. We rent our garage out for £20.00 a week. I am so glad we decluttered well & our garge was empty to enable us to rent it out. I also popped £30.00 from my cleaning job money in & £10.00 from my little ironing number!. Its a start.  I like my little cleaning job & I am enjoying doing the odd ironing job. I would like to do some more ironing jobs & I will look into doing a few more
Ebay selling is going ok . All money from this is going to save up for a holiday break later on in the year.  Its nice seeing the money in paypal going up.
The SFT Sealed Pot Challenge - Mr No Spend & I are throwing our 20p peices in.  We do not actually seem to get that many!. Still what we do get in 20 pence peices is thrown in.  This will be uses towards our holiday break later on in the year.
Mr No Spend & I share the joint bank account & for the first time it is not overdrawn. We sill have to be carefull as the bills & food do make it dwindle down quickly. We need to build a buffer up.
Realistic - Looking back at my new years resolutions one of them was to save £3000 for an emergency fund(That is to bigger an aim).  I am going to aim for a Baby step of £500.00 first of all & then if we achieve that we will aim for £1000.00.  I think sometimes I think about trying to save a bigger amount & then it is not realistic upon our incomings coming in.   
I will continue going to see the counselor. Did not go this week because of half term. DD stayed a couple of times.  It seems to be working ok.  I accept it this way & she seems to accept things are this way at the moment. DD still gets up to things that I do not agree with. We do worry that one day that DD may have substance issues.  Maybe she will change. I will not dwell on the negatives. I cannot live her life for her. I try & guide her but it falls on closed ears
I will try & catch up with everyones blog.  xx         

Monday, 13 February 2012


I bought this little blanket box at a car boot sale for £4.00 .  It was green & had a mouldy looking green cushion on top it was not nice. I painted it up bought a foam pad & my lovely neighbour gave me a big square of french fabric & armed with staple gun voila!. I have a home for a few toilet rolls & some towels!
This little cupboard is above my writing bureau. I bought it about a year ago at a car boot sale for £5.00 & painted & distressed it. I also put a natural hessian/calico fabric square on thee front & stuck a tiny starfish on the front.  I quite enjoy painting things sometimes & creating.
I bought 5 packs of Andrex (9 roll packs)45 toilet rolls in total for £10.00 of Amazon found the offer on hot deals!. Apparantly it was a misprint but they honoured it!
I also bought 24 cans of Branston baked beans of Amazon £7.60 including postage. I know sometimes you can catch an offer of 4 tins of beans for a pound in supermarkets. These were delivered. if you look on Amazon groceries you can buy some good offers.
I am still ebaying, & been quite busy as taken on a little ironing job for a lady who has a cleaning business. I did a couple of bags of ironing the other day & got paid £30.00.   There may be some more ironing coming my way. Fingers crossed
I will try & do another post & will try & catch up. x with everyone 

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

I went of to my appointment.  It was a case of me talking & opening up about the things that have led me to be at the appointment.  I know its my first appointment & the lady is very nice but it just felt strange. I know it is to early for me to judge & I am sure there is a plan of action to help & one session is only the beginning.  Sometimes I expect miracles! Or want things instantly.
I popped to the doctors yesterday to & asked about there cbt on the nhs. My appointment costs me £12.00 which is everyweek £48.00 a month.  On the nhs I will not need to pay. It would help not to have to pay. When I go to my appointment it is a £4.00 bus return to as it is far to far to walk.  I am just wondering how long the waiting list would be for the nhs. If it is going to months I would have to carefully consider.    

My Monday Week Mini Goals  
  • Do my pilates dvd twice this week (failed last week)
  • Keep spending to a minimum 
  • Pop a few things on ebay
I sold a couple of things on ebay a mens top I bought for £1.00 sold it for £9.99 ( £8.99 profit). I also sold another mens shirt that I bought for £2.00 sold for £5.70 (profit of £3.70)
Total in ebay fund (which is our holiday fund) £44.24. I have listed what I have sold in the Ebay fund tab above. I am glad I can do ebay as it gives me the option to make a few pennies.  I have done this using things I already have & also when I have been at a car boot sale/jumble sale bought things for which I think I can make a profit on.  Sometimes the profit is a few pounds & sometimes it is more.  I would like to look for a few little cleaning jobs.  I am doing a small cleaning job at the moment it is only 3 hours but it pays £10.00 per  hour. The house is so clean & even cleaner now I am there !     

I have started a joint spending diary for Me & Mr No Spend.  Mr No Spends favourite tipple is vodka & cranberry & much to my dismay he smokes(only allowed in the garden where it is nice & cold!).  It is usually no more than 10 a week.  I have tried to get him to give up but I guess he has to be in that place himself.  I guess with darling DD he has needed a vice. I would say or his hair would drop out but it has( well not dropped out! but he is a smooth headed no hair!)DD would make anyones hair drop out. At the moment she has been excluded from school for misbehaving.  Which to be honest I am glad she is not home here at the moment ,as it was repeated stress layering that run me down to the ground.  Even though I know she is misbehaving it is not right under my nose.  I am getting me right.  I do think sometimes that I cannot live her life for her & even though in the past I have tried to protect her from all & sundry. At the end of the day she does what she wants regardless.  Like I say she was an angelic child & I never had one single problem with her all through primary school.  Shocked at what was waiting in the future for us yes.  If I had a crystal ball I would have never have thought all this.  It does go to show you can give someone a loving safe environment, & always be there. But they do change.  Some people will be lucky & maybe escape with a little rebellion & I hope for anyone & everyones sake you have an easier time. One day hopefully DD will grow in to a well ajusted human being. These last 3 years have gone in a blur. Sometimes I think i should write a book!. It will not have the answers though?!. You do what you can the best you can none of us are perfect but we love.

Gosh dont  I go on, I probably have sent you all to sleep ! x x           


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